# MIP55c3-SP8: Legal Work on MIP65 ## Preamble ``` MIP55c3-SP#: 8 Author(s): @adcv @aes @SebVentures Contributors: Tags: spf Status: Accepted Date Proposed: 2022-08-16 Date Ratified: 2022-09-08 Amount Requested: 30,000 DAI Recipient Address: 0x29408abeCe474C85a12ce15B05efBB6A1e8587fe Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip55c3-sp8-legal-work-on-mip65-special-purpose-fund/17280 Ratification Poll URL: https://vote.makerdao.com/polling/QmdaG8mo ``` ## Sentence Summary This SPF requests a 30k DAI reimbursement to SF-001 for advancing legal expenses relating to legal work in the context of MIP65. ## Paragraph Summary This SPF reimburses the Strategic Finance Core Unit (SF-001) team for advancing funds to @christiancdpetersen for the legal work he is doing on MIP65. ## Motivation MIP65 was approved by the Maker community but has been stalled for some weeks due to the lack of work on the legal front. @christiancdpetersen accepted to work on it, but so far funding isn't secured despite best attempts of CES. SF-001 has decided to advance the funds and is asking for reimbursement to pay for regular order of business. ## Special Purpose Fund Name Legal Work on MIP65 Special Purpose Fund ## Special Purpose Fund Scope & Work Credentials * The scope is strictly limited to funding legal work by external legal teams relating to onboarding of MIP65. * The scope of work will be to conduct an legal review including, among other things: * Review of the legal structures in BVI (trust and LLC). * Review of the resolution, wordings and workflow. * Review of the agreement between entities and services providers. * Writeup of a Legal Structure and Governance Appropriateness Verification. * Other open legal review questions identified along the way. * The deliverable will be a Legal Structure and Governance Appropriateness Verification to be ratified by a Facilitator according to MIP65. * @christiancdpetersen is the brain behind the RWA Foundation and knows MakerDAO governances needs quite well. There is no one better suited for this task. ### Funding Breakdown * On funding, SPF will be used to reimburse SF-001's advance to pay for a scope-limited legal due diligence relating to onboarding bIBTA as a vault type. * Excess funds will be held in the multisig until the work is complete. * Unspent funds will be returned to the Surplus Buffer. ||Dai| |---|---:| |Legal review of MIP65 |30,000| ||| |**Total**|**30,000**| ### Special Purpose Fund Details ``` Official Contact or Group Name: Strategic Finance Core Unit Contact Email/Handle: @adcv Date Added: 2022-08-16 Total Amount: 30,000 In Dai. Wallet Address: 0x29408abeCe474C85a12ce15B05efBB6A1e8587fe Comptroller signers: @Aes (https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip55c3-sp8-legal-work-on-mip65-special-purpose-fund/17280/20), @prose11 (https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip55c3-sp8-legal-work-on-mip65-special-purpose-fund/17280/19) ```