# MIP55c3-SP17: Continue to Fund the Ambassador Program ## Preamble ``` MIP55c3-SP#: 17 Author(s): @Sebix Contributors: @Joserjmz, @Harrizko Tags: SPF Status: Obsolete Date Proposed: 2023-03-02 Date Ratified: (yyyy-mm-dd) Amount Requested: 90,000 DAI Recipient Address: 0xF411d823a48D18B32e608274Df16a9957fE33E45 Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip55c3-spxx-continue-to-fund-the-ambassador-program/20042 Ratification Poll URL: Extra: This subproposal has been made Obsolete following the passage of [MIP102c2-SP1](https://mips.makerdao.com/mips/details/MIP102c2SP1). ``` ## Sentence Summary This subproposal aims to allocate 90,000 DAI to the Ambassador Program to cover work for the next six months. ## Paragraph Summary The MakerDAO Ambassador Program currently provides Spanish speaking communities with original resources and educational materials to further decentralize and expand the MakerDAO community. Ambassadors are creating their own original region-oriented content as they keep providing two-way translation services; they also engage their communities with local events (on- and offline), and share content produced in their language with the MakerDAO community. ## Motivation This Special Purpose Fund aims to finance the ongoing work and projects of the Ambassador Program. ## Special Purpose Fund Name Ambassador Program Special Purpose Fund. ## Special Purpose Fund Scope & Work Credentials ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador1.png) In the past months the Ambassador Program has seen some changes. It was after the team's [first SPF](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip55c3-sp7-special-purpose-fund-for-the-ambassador-program/17169) was posted that we received feedback from the community for the very first time since our inception. At the beginning of this 'second stage' of the program ([_after it's 3-month pilot_](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/signal-request-fund-ambassadors-program-pilot/13199)), we suffered the departure of @kat and it was @sebix who took care of the Ambassadors and their projects. As a team, and regarding feedback received from different community members, it was decided to drop weekly translations (such as Weekly Relay and Forum at a Glance) to start creating original region-oriented content to have a greater impact in the regions the program is currently working on. We introduced a brand new [LATAM Newsletter](https://forum.makerdao.com/tag/bolet%C3%ADn-de-noticias), which addresses regional crypto-related news and issues as well as global ones. The program also started using Twitter Spaces and created the Meet the Makers series (interviews with different contributors of Makerdao, from Core Unit contributors, to Facilitators and Recognized Delegates) and Coffee Hours (a place to facilitate and strengthen MakerDAO's partnerships with different communities and projects). The Program has also been developing a website and an introductory portal entirely made in Spanish for the LATAM Community as a 'first step' to get to know the protocol. Ambassadors also are contributing to the creation of MakerDAO's first LATAM Delegate Platform through educational material, calls and meetups; a very important project that will be a step further in the decentralization of the protocol. All these new projects will be further described below and are the basis on which the Ambassador Program will continue to develop relationships with communities, projects, entities and talents in Latin America interested in participating in MakerDAO. The following statement stays true to the Program's scope and vision: _"There is a huge amount of potential for MakerDAO in non-English speaking communities and a lack of educational resources as well as means for these community members to participate. The Ambassador Program allows for these communities to engage with MakerDAO—bringing us a new wave of community members, developers, talent, and MKR holders."_ --- ### :book: Evergreen Material Translation The Ambassadors have and will continue to translate essential parts of the Protocol documentation. - The translation of the [Maker Operational Manual in Spanish](https://manual.makerdao.com/v/mom-spanish/) was done in a joint effort with GovAlpha and it's updated regularly. - The Program will also collaborate with GovAlpha to translate future EndGame official documentation for the Protocol. - Also in coordination with GovAlpha, program aims to make official MIPs translations and reviewing older ones to be incorporated in the MIPs Portal to take advantage of its multi-language support. - The [MakerDOCs documentation](https://sebix.notion.site/sebix/MakerDOCs-en-Espa-ol-07d9dd32599640ad91ca1431797627e5) has been fully translated and is already available for the whole community. --- ### 🌎 Website & Introductory Portal ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador2.png) The program members noticed a lack of introductory material about MakerDAO and a need for it from the spanish-speaking community. It was also noticeable that all information was spread across a large number of forum posts and portals outside the forums, making it difficult to access. After a lot of hard work, an official MakerDAO LATAM website has been made by the Ambassador Program following [Growth's Brand Guidelines](https://www.figma.com/file/ojaWTCDuJcUfYuDMB1hyAg/MakerDAO-Protocol-Health-Page-Brand-Design?node-id=262%3A2852) facilitated by @Nadia and @Tobal. A [MIP60c3 procedure has been recently initiated](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/latam-makerdao-com-subdomain/20041) in order to officially use the MakerDAO name and brand. The purpose of this website is to gather all original and translated educative content for the hispanic interested parties and community members, thus making it easier to navigate across the material and find information to start learning and participating. The Ambassador Program has created a new Spanish Introductory Portal, which is all 100% original content made by and for LATAM users. It addresses the following points: - Introduction to the DAO - What is a DAO - Maker History and Maker Foundation - DAOs Core Principles - Maker Governance - What is Governance - On & Off-Chain Governance - Voting & Proposals Cycles - How to Participate - DAI - What is DAI - DAI uses - How to get DAI - Oracles - Utility & Basic Concepts - Vaults - Use Cases & Basic Concepts - Stability Fees - Risks & Liquidations - Delegates - Definition, Types and Basic Concepts - Requirements - Code of Conduct - Glossary - Writing Style Guide (specially written for spanish speaking people who will be interacting within Maker in both languages) — **Website Update: Web3 Beginners Guide by MakerDAO.** Even though there is a lot of online articles that illustrate the basic aspects of the Web3 ecosystem, we believe this is a vital resource that cannot be missing in our introductory documentation. We think assisting newcomers to Web3 in this very first step will help MakerDAO attract a new wave of users and gain a better position in the region. The Ambassador Program is already working on these articles as this will be the first major update for the website. Here's a list of the guide's main points: - What is Ethereum? - Web 3 - DeFi, TradFi, CeFi, ReFi - Blockchain: Basic Concepts - Gas (Fees) - Smart Contracts: Basic Concepts - Token, Tokenomics - NFTs - Wallets - P2P: Basic Concepts - What is a Dapp? - What is a Stablecoin? - DAOs - Cryptocurrencies: Basic Concepts - Blockchain Trilemma - Scalability Solutions - Layers 1 & 2 - Rollups - DEXs vs CEXs - Proof of Stake _More information about this will be available once the website has been formally presented._ — **Website Preview** The website is currently in the works and will debut in March, 2023. Once online, the website will be constantly updated as new Spaces, Newsletters and Introductory Portal's articles will continue to be worked on by the Ambassador Program. - A mockup version of the official website can be found :point_right: [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1lAj9WA43X6608itbHPb0Jib45YjmP42C?usp=sharing). - Also, a pre-alpha browsable version of the website made on Wix can be seen :point_right: [here](https://snhipogeo.wixsite.com/programa-embajador/). --- ### :newspaper: LATAM Newsletter ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador3.png) As previously mentioned, the program dropped weekly translations and started working on an original region-oriented newsletter to cause a greater impact on LATAM communities. Results so far have been encouraging. Now in it's fourth edition, the newsletter received a lot attention from outside visitors as result of how Maker news were mixed with regional and international information about the Web3 ecosystem, thus making it appealing to not only MakerDAO members, but to DeFi ecosystem users altogether. This is the reason why the newsletter has earned the 'Good Share' badge in the forums and praises from different community members. Here's a quick access list to the Ambassador Program's newsletters so far: | # / Month | Forum Link | | --- |:---:| | **Newsletter #1** (November 2022)
Topics: FTX Effect, DSR Discussions, TradFi Connections, EndGame Plan, Worldwide & LATAM Ecosystem News, Ambassador Program News.
| [Link](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/1-boletin-de-noticias-noviembre-2022/19029/1) | | **Newsletter #2** (December 2022)
Topics: November Financial Report, DSR Approval, EndGame Plan, Worldwide & LATAM Ecosystem News, Ambassador Program News.
| [Link](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/2-boletin-de-noticias-diciembre-del-2022/19316/1) | | **Newsletter #3** (January 2023)
Topics: Maker Approach to RWA, Current Forum Discussions, Worldwide & LATAM Ecosystem News, Ambassador Program News.
| [Link](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/3-boletin-de-noticias-enero-del-2023/19672/1) | | **Newsletter #4** (February 2023)
| TBA | **Badges Awarded to the Newsletters** ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador20.png)![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador21.png) These posts have been awarded multiple times with Good and Nice Share badges, showing a clear interest in these articles from people outside our community. **La Dream Machine Praise** The Ambassador's newsletter also received a great praise from the research project [La Dream Machine](https://ladreammachine.substack.com/) in one of their [lastest publications](https://ladreammachine.substack.com/p/que-veo-4-tequiologias?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email). ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador4.png) --- ### :handshake: Ambassadors Collaborating with Platzi ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador5.png) The Ambassador Program will also collaborate with [Platzi](https://platzi.com/), the biggest professional learning platform in Latin America, by participating on the Ethereum Developer Program backed by the Ethereum Foundation that will be happening between March and May. The talks will address the following main points: - MakerDAO Governance - Governance Cycles - Polls & Executive Votes - Maker Improvement Proposals - Delegation & Delegates - Vaults & Oracles - Use Cases & Basic Concepts - Stability Fees - Risks & Liquidations --- ### 🐦 Ambassadors on Twitter The Ambassador Program has strenghtened its Twitter presence and created room for the community to participate. We've been working on positioning the Maker brand for Spanish-speaking audiences through the [official spanish account on Twitter](https://twitter.com/MakerDAO_Lat) and have been publishing content about: - Ongoing or completed debates and votes that have been most relevant to the Protocol. - Updates about advances and achievements (such as the Maker Teleport and the Multichain Strategy). - Educational content explaining how the DAI stability mechanisms work, how the Oracles work, the Settlements, etc. - Maker partnerships with other projects inside and outside the crypto ecosystem and participation in various events and hackathons. The program also publishes original tweets based on topics from the LATAM newsletters. Topics about the Maker Ecosystem, the region and crypto-news from around the world. #### Twitter Metrics | Month | Metrics | Twitter Analytics | |:--------- |:------- |:-----------------:| | August | Tweets: 337. Impressions: 67,900. Views: 15,200. Mentions: 39. New Followers: 112. | | | September | Tweets: 150. Impressions: 32,300. Views: 11,300. Mentions: 285. New Followers: 58. | | | October | Tweets: 210. Impressions: 24,300. Views: 5,738. Mentions: 189. New Followers: 62. | | | November | Tweets: 356. Impressions: 44,300. Views: 12,200. Mentions: 154. New Followers: 55. | | | December | Tweets: 215. Impressions: 23,700. Views: 5,077. Mentions: 94. New Followers: 14. | | | January | Tweets: 147. Impressions: 45,800. Views: 5,304. Mentions: 52. New Followers: 22. | | | February | Tweets: 338. Impressions: 47,300. Views: 7,032. Mentions: 102. New Followers: 51. | | #### Twitter Spaces As mentioned before, the Meet the Makers series and the Coffe Hours are places created to educate and strenghten relationships with the community. The Meet the Makers spaces help the community to get to know the different actors and contributors of the DAO first hand and participate by asking questions about the protocol and their roles. So far, series has hosted calls with Core Unit contributors, facilitators and recognized delegates. The program will also regularly host Coffee Hours in order to create room for collaboration with different LATAM ecosystem talents, communities and projects. Here's a list of the Spaces hosted so far: - **Meet the Makers ep. 1**, with Tobal: ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador6.png) First Space is already counting over 1k listeners! Our first guest was Tobal from Growth and we had a pleasant call about his Core Unit's roles and his experiences in the DAO. :point_right: [Link to the Space](https://twitter.com/MakerDAO_Lat/status/1587242194057969664?s=20). - **Meet the Makers ep. 2**, with Gala: ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador7.png) Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, Gala couldn't make it to the Space. The Ambassadors hosted the call and went around the governance topics for the call. :point_right: [Link to the Space](https://twitter.com/MakerDAO_Lat/status/1592626935318073344?s=20). - **Meet the Makers ep. 3**, with ElProgreso: ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador8.png) Frank was the first delegate we had the pleassure to have in our Meet the Makers. The participation from the community prompted interesting questions. :point_right: [Link to the Space](https://twitter.com/MakerDAO_Lat/status/1600941876692938753?s=20). - **Meet the Makers ep. 4**, with Tadeo: ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador9.png) An exciting one, as the community had a first encounter with a Facilitator and was able to participate by asking questions. :point_right: [Link to the Space](https://twitter.com/MakerDAO_Lat/status/1626321708859662336?s=20). - **Meet the Makers ep. 5**, with Juan: ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador10.png) We'll have the pleassure to count Juan from SES amongst our guests in the next Meet the Maker series episode, that will take place on March 31. :point_right: Link to the Space (To be posted after the call). — _The Ambassador Program wants to genuinely thank all the guests we had for taking the time to participate and share with the community in these calls._ --- ### Meetups, Calls & Participations The Ambassadors continue to participate and to create partnerships across different communities, entities and organizations. The program quickly became a point of reference for anyone interested in getting to know about and participate in MakerDAO. These past six months, program has collaborated with the following entities and projects: - [Defiant](https://defiantapp.tech/es) (Self-Custodial Wallet). - [CoinEX](https://www.coinex.com/) (Crypto-Currency Exchange). - [BeInCrypto](https://es.beincrypto.com/) (News Platform). - [DeFi LATAM](https://t.me/DeFi_LATAM) (Crypto-Educational Community). - [Platzi](https://platzi.com/) (Professional Education Platform). - [La Dream Machine](https://ladreammachine.substack.com/) (Web3 Database Research Project). - [Web3Beach](https://www.web3beach.io/) (Web3 Project focused on social and environmental impact). - [ETH Venezuela]() (Ethereum Community in Venezuela) #### Events Details... **CoinEx** ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador11.png) Program answered questions about the MakerDAO Protocol in a call with CoinEx's Twitter community, and chose from over 100 questions from viewers to dive into interesting subjects and share DAI rewards to participants. You can find the link to it's announcement :point_right:[here]() and the link to the complete online Space :point_right:[here](https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1eaKbrRzAzrKX?s=20). — **BeInCrypto** ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador12.png) The Ambassador Program participated in an interview with Beincrypto, addressing Maker news and overall protocol information. :point_right: [Here's the link](https://es.beincrypto.com/maker-dao-mkr-alianza-coinbase-dai-latinoamerica-entrevista-ivan-alvarez-jose-jimenez/) to the full online article on BeInCrypto. — **Defiant** ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador22.png) The Ambassadors took part in one of Defiant's community calls and also participated from trivia games about MakerDAO. There was a great participation from viewers and DAI rewards were given. The program expects to do more Trivia Calls in the future with different communities. ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador13.png) — **DreamMachine (Chile)** The program has collaborated with [La Dream Machine](https://ladreammachine.substack.com/) from Chile in their Database of Web3 projects oriented to social impact. ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador14.png) — **Ethereum Venezuela** The Ambassador's Program contributed to organizing the [first Ethereum Venezuela meet up](https://twitter.com/ETHVenezuela/status/1597351549663318017?s=20), a local event focused on the most innovative projects built on top of Ethereum. We had the opportunity to share with the audience: - What is MakerDAO? - How does the Maker Protocol work? - How does a Decentralized Governance works? - What is DAI? - What can we use DAI for? Program had the chance to spread the word and show the people why a decentralized stablecoin is a game changer for the region. It was a great time for everyone, as most of the audience didn't even know about Maker nor DAI and got really excited. The talk ended with a question and answer session and a discussion about the implications of these technologies in the economy. ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador15.png) ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador16.png) --- ### First LATAM Delegate Platform in MakerDAO Ambassadors has been assisting in the creation of the first LATAM delegate platform by hosting calls and meetups, providing educational material in spanish and contacts management to the DeFi LATAM community. We are proud to anounce that the SEED LATAM delegate platform will soon be launched in March, 2023! - **DeFi LATAM Calls** ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador17.png) - **Meetup w/ LATAM DeFi members in Palermo, Argentina** A very extense meetup was recently organized with the DeFi LATAM members to talk about the new LATAM Delegate Platform and protocol's governance. ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador23.png) Several members from DeFi LATAM and the Ambassador Program attended to the meetup. ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador24.png) MakerDAO present in Buenos Aires. --- ### LATAM Community Poll & Report ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador18.png) - The Ambassador Program presents the first LATAM community poll. A research on the LATAM community was started by the program by doing a first poll and analyzing its results. The outcome was a very interesting report that's available in [spanish](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/informe-de-la-1-encuesta-del-programa-embajador/20017) and will soon be posted in english in the MakerDAO Forums for the whole community. We think that sociological, political and demographic approaches to the MakerDAO community are not only a very interesting tool in order to glimpse the shape and _ethos_ of this ever-evolving community itself, but a necessary one; specially in times of transformations and internal and external challenges, such as the ones we are experiencing. ![](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP55/MIP55c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP55c3-SP17/ambassador19.png) --- ### Multi-Sig & Expenses Report **Multi-Sig** - Multi-Sig's ownership change. - @Sebix is the new owner of the Ambassador Program's Multi-Sig as per [this procedure](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/change-of-ownership-of-the-ambassador-programs-multi-sig/19087). - Multi-Sig's comptroller change. - At January 31 @DavidUtro stopped being a comptroller for the Ambassador Program's Multi-Sig. - @0xdeniz is the new confirmed comptroller replacing of David. **Expenses** - A [report sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RWvZVHt1hP6jLBO5SqJy3oPp9pWd1S2iA6u62t7ANlc/edit#gid=0) has been made in order to help community keep a track on the program's expenses. - The sheet will be regularly updated as new expenses occur. - Multi-Sig's transaction history can be [seen here](https://app.safe.global/transactions/history?safe=eth%3A0xF411d823a48D18B32e608274Df16a9957fE33E45). #### Unused Funds - 4.461,40 DAI [were returned](https://etherscan.io/tx/0xd054ea22c4400e7cadae5ae24e9254f5bba81c64ef6ca38e9f402a938d3631cd) to the [DSS address](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/dssblow-making-surplus-buffer-repayments-easy/11583). This were unused funds from the program's pilot fund and were returned to the DAO as stated by Kat in [our Signal Request](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/signal-request-fund-ambassadors-program-pilot/13199/14). - Unused funds from our [previous SPF](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip55c3-sp7-special-purpose-fund-for-the-ambassador-program/17169) will also be returned to the DSS address on May 2023 after the passing of this vote. --- ### Quarterly Reports The Ambassador Program will begin to post quarterly reports on expenses and projects in order to improve communications and receive more feedback from the community. --- ### Future of the Ambassador Program In this 'second stage' of the Ambassador Program we thought that, instead of focusing entirely on gaining more views, interactions or participations — things that, they alone, do not represent necessarily quality or adoption nor knowledge of MakerDAO and DAI —, some solid structural base of material was needed. That is why, in the past months, the Program has consolidated the bases on which a larger community could be build. The Spaces, Newsletters, introductory portal and website are all part of a plan that has already been set in motion in order to facilitate participation and involvement in the protocol from different communities and talents. Also, this base is important, because now we have something to offer to those who, for example, do not know much —or even anything— about MakerDAO, as we consider that attracting new people it is central in order to expand DAI around the globe and deepen its decentralization. This offer, as already mentioned, now cover aspects related to education, information, accesibility and channels of possible interaction and articulation between the region and the Protocol; a relation in which the Ambassador Program sees itself as a bridge working both ways. It is from here that, without ceasing to expand, enrich, refine and keep updated all this structure, we can embrace the challenge of stablish ourselves as a node between the spanish-speaking world —plethoric of opportunities and potentiality— and MakerDAO. The program is currently in talks with different community members, facilitators and delegates regarding it's transition to the EndGame. While we do not rule out having to request funding through MIPs after this 6 months, **our aim is to become an ecosystem actor** in the future to keep contributing to the DAO. --- ### Funding Breakdown We are presenting two options for funding. The Ambassador Program is currently covering a lot of ground and is quickly growing and community will be able to vote to support the continuous expansion of the program or keep it running as is. First option is the full coverage of the program's objectives: it aims to add two new part-timers for community management and publicity, and takes in consideration all the traveling, website, swag and reward expenses required for current and future projects of the program. The second one is the minimum required for the program to maintain current activities and does not contemplate swag; travelling expenses and rewards are kept to a minimum. Only one new part-timer would be hired to recover the lost position. The following are the summaries of the Ambassadors Program 6-month budget outlining how the funds will be used in each case: **Option 1:** | EXPENSES | DAI | |-----------------------|----------:| | **@Sebix** (Head of the Program)
Sebix has been leading the Program ever since [Kat step down from the role](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/change-of-ownership-of-the-ambassador-programs-multi-sig/19087) and is now focused on the success of the program's new and old projects.
| 30,000 DAI | | **@Joserjmz** (Lead Ambassador)
José is the one of the hardest workers of the program and has proven to be reliable and responsible. We're glad to have him.
| 24,000 DAI | | **@Harrizko** (Ambassador)
Iván has demonstrated to be an excellent addition to the program. He has perceived a small raise and received more hours to contribute.
| 12,000 DAI | | **New Part-Time Ambassador x2**
Unfortunately, we had to let go one of our new part-timers. Program will be hiring new ambassadors to cover the lost position and expand the team's activities on community management, publicity and design.
| 15,000 DAI | | **Hosting Services**
The Ambassador Program is reducing costs on hosting services from previous SPF, as many cheaper alternatives were found.
| 2,000 DAI | | **Website Studio**
A professional studio was hired for putting up and mantaining the website. Initial costs were covered by previous budget. This budget is an estimate for future updates and expansion for the site across the following 6 months
| 1,000 DAI | | **Travelling Expenses**
The Ambassador Program will be assisting multiple events in Latin America, such as Ethereum LATAM, Ethereum Buenos Aires, Ethereum Lima. This is an estimate of expenses.
| 4,000 DAI | | **Swag & DAI Rewards**
This option contemplates acquisition of high quality swag and DAI rewards for community calls and events.
| 2,000 DAI | | **Total** | **90,000 DAI** | This represents approximately a 11% increase from the previous budget. **Option 2:** | EXPENSES (Option 2) | DAI | |-----------------------|----------:| | **@Sebix** (Head of the Program)
Sebix has been leading the Program ever since [Kat step down from the role](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/change-of-ownership-of-the-ambassador-programs-multi-sig/19087) and is now focused on the success of the program's new and old projects.
| 30,000 DAI | | **@Joserjmz** (Lead Ambassador)
José is the one of the hardest workers of the program and has proven to be reliable and responsible. We're glad to have him.
| 24,000 DAI | | **@Harrizko** (Ambassador)
Iván has demonstrated to be an excellent addition to the program. He has perceived a small raise and received more hours to contribute.
| 12,000 DAI | | **New Part-Time Ambassador x1**
Unfortunately, we had to let go one of our new part-timers. Program will be hiring a new ambassador to cover this position.
| 7,500 DAI | | **Hosting Services**
Hosting services will be reduced to a minimum.
| 500 DAI | | **Website Studio**
Site won't be expanded, but will be regularly updated as new spaces, documentation and newsletters come up.
| 500 DAI | | **Travelling Expenses**
Travelling expenses and events participation will be kept to a bare minimum.
| 1,000 DAI | | **DAI Rewards**
Just a small fund for DAI rewards. No swag is contemplated in this option.
| 500 DAI | | **Total** | **76.000 DAI** | This represents approximately a 6% decrease from the previous budget. --- ### Special Purpose Fund Details ``` Official Contact or Group Name: @Sebix Contact Email/Handle: s.n.hipogeo@gmail.com / @Sebix Date Added: 2023-02-xx Total Amount: In Dai. Wallet Address: 0xF411d823a48D18B32e608274Df16a9957fE33E45 Comptroller signers: @Tadeo, @0xDeniz ```