# MIP40c3-SP77: Modify Immunefi Security Budget (IS-001) ## Preamble ``` MIP40c3-SP#: 77 Author(s): @Ippy Contributors: Tags: core-unit, is-001, dai-budget, cu-offboarding Status: Obsolete Date Applied: 2022-07-07 Date Ratified: Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip40c3-sp77-modify-is-001-budget/16436 Extra: Marked as obsolete as the proposal has been abandoned. ``` ## Sentence Summary MIP40c3-SP77 removes all and any active budgets for the Immunefi Core Unit—Dai or MKR. ## Specification ### Motivation The functions of IS-001 do not require a Core Unit, and should be reduced to contracted services by Core Units that wish to retain Immunefi (the company). This is expected to result in more than 12,000 DAI a month in personnel cost savings alone. Therefore, this Core Unit should be granted severance and be offboarded. This is part of the list of reforms I laid out [here](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/decentralized-voter-committees-wednesday-and-thursday-9pm-cest-getting-real-edition/15777/38?u=ippy) for @rune and plan to pursue. ## Core Unit ID IS-001 ### Budget Implementation On this proposal’s approval: No more Dai will be transferred for the use of this Core Unit, either through streaming or through direct payments. ### Golden Parachute Immunefi CU or the community should suggest an appropriate severance for the two contributors.