# MIP40c3-SP73: Modify Core Unit Budget (EVENTS-001) ## Preamble ``` MIP40c3-SP#: 73 Author(s): @Ippy Contributors: Tags: core-unit, events-001, dai-budget, cu-offboarding Status: Rejected Date Applied: 2022-06-22 Date Ratified: N/A Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip40c3-spxx-modify-core-unit-budget-for-events-001/15991 Ratification Poll URL: https://vote.makerdao.com/polling/QmTNaLnY ``` ## Sentence Summary MIP40c3-SP73 removes all and any active budgets for the Events Core Unit—Dai or MKR. ## Specification ### Motivation This Core Unit is authorized to spend **$898,150** annually. Events are a “nice to have” and not required for this bear market, particularly considering how Daivinity was executed. Mkr token holders’ money was spent on unknown attendees and no business deals or new hires have been credited to that event. Given current budget constraints, the protocol simply does not accrue value from a Core Unit whose mission statement is: "To provide the best MakerDAO branded event experience to the crypto & Maker community including industry professionals, influencers, and enthusiasts." And so this Core Unit should be granted severance and offboarded. This is part of the list of reforms I laid out [here](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/decentralized-voter-committees-wednesday-and-thursday-9pm-cest-getting-real-edition/15777/38) for @rune and plan to pursue. ### Core Unit ID EVENTS-001 ### Budget Implementation On this proposal’s approval: No more Dai will be transferred for the use of this Core Unit, either through streaming or through direct payments. This does not apply to any disbursement included in the Golden Parachute section. ### Golden Parachute #### Breakdown The suggested offboarding compensation (excluding spend on more events) from this Core Unit was the following: | Item | Cost | | ------------------------- | -------- | | Legal & Accounting | $15,000 | | Saleries and Compensation | $88,336 | | Total | $103,336 | #### Implementation Upon the approval of this offboarding subproposal, a transfer will be made of 103,336 DAI to a wallet or wallets publicly communicated to GovAlpha by the Facilitator, @PonJerry