# MIP40c3-SP5: Core Unit Budget - Content Production (MKT-001) ## Preamble ``` MIP40c3-SP#: 5 Author(s): Seth Goldfarb Contributors: Jerry Goldfarb, Tom DeMichele Tags: core-unit, cu-mkt-001, budget, dai-budget Status: Obsolete Date Proposed: 2021-03-03 Date Ratified: 2021-04-27 Ratification Poll URL: https://vote.makerdao.com/executive/template-executive-vote-approve-april-2021-governance-cycle-april-26-2021?network=mainnet#proposal-detail Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip40c3-sp5-core-unit-budget-mkt-001/6824 ``` ## Sentence Summary MIP40c3-SP5 adds the budget for Core Unit MKT-001: Content Production. ## Specification ### Motivation To fulfill the mandate of the Content Production Core Unit. ### Core Unit Content Production (MKT-001) ### Quarterly Focus In line with the other Core Unit proposals, we’re starting with a 3-month budget that gives us time to set up operations and the flexibility to grow once we’re established. ### Team Membership The Content Production team will include: @seth - Full-Time - Content Production Core Unit Facilitator @JerryAG - Full-Time - Audio Engineer / Podcast Producer Tom DeMichele - Part-Time - SEO and Writer Once we’ve established operations and content strategy in month 2, we plan to hire: 1x Full-time Video Producer 2x Full-time Writers ### Quarterly Budget We aim to provide salaries competitive with regard to market rates and the compensation proposed in other Core Unit budgets. #### Breakdown | Item | Amount | Percentage | | --- | --- | --- | **People** | |Salaries | 109,700 DAI | 85.96% | ||| |**Startup/Admin/Software**|| | Total | 3224 DAI | 3.372% | ||| |**Other Costs**|| |Gas|200 DAI| |Contingency|20,000 DAI| | Total | 20,200 DAI | 10.37% | ||| |**Total**|133,124 DAI| 100% | #### Budget Implementation [Simple Budget Implementation](https://mips.makerdao.com/mips/details/60626de7e65b747f996b3d78#simple-budget-implementations) 133.124 Dai covers 3 months; we’re requesting 1/3 (44,375) per month. Address: 0xDCAF2C84e1154c8DdD3203880e5db965bfF09B60