# MIP40c3-SP28: Adding the StarkNet Engineering Core Unit Budget (SNE-001) ## Preamble ``` MIP40c3-SP#: 28 Author(s): Author(s): @badgerofthe9d, Ohad Barta Contributors: Derek Flossman, Maciek Kaminsky, Kris Kaczor, Marc-Andre Dumas, Ohad Barta, @badgerofthe9d Tags: core-unit, cu-sne-001, budget, dai-budget Status: Obsolete Date Proposed: 2021-08-09 Date Ratified: 2021-09-27 Ratification Poll URL: https://vote.makerdao.com/polling/QmesWgnC?network=mainnet Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip40c3-sp28-modify-core-unit-budget-starknet-engineering-sne-001/9791 ``` ## Sentence Summary MIP40c3-SP28 adds the budget for StarkNet Engineering Core Unit. ## Specification ### Motivation I am proposing this budget for the StarkNet Engineering Core Unit to be able to succeed in its mandate, specifically; to build a bridge to StarkNet that is upgradeable through governance. This is referred to as phase I in the main proposal (MIP39c2-SP28). ### Core Unit ID StarkNet Engineering Core Unit ### Budget considerations ### Budget This budget for phase I secures a team of 2 Senior Engineers, one Data Scientist (part-time), and one Facilitator. The team size is expected to increase in phase II once the roadmap for enabling minting on StarkNet is clearer and syndicated with the community. * Duration: 3 months * Total amount for Maker foundation: $210,375 * Headcount: 4 (including one part-time) The budget asked is $210,375 for three months, which represents 50% of the total budget. The distribution of the budget across profiles is shown below. The salaries used are taken from Maker internal salary grids and guidelines. ![table1](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP40/MIP40c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP40c3-SP28/table1.png) The payment of all the non-salary items will be done upon starting the project. The payment of the salaries will be done either bi-weekly or monthly. The budget will be split evenly between the Maker and Starkware. ### List of Budget Breakdowns **Salaries:** The has 2 full-time Senior Engineers with prior knowledge of Solidity, validity proofs, or both. 1 part-time Data Scientist, and 1 full-time Team Facilitator (for a total of 4 members). **Bug bounty:** Bug Bounties allow us to support whitehat involvement in the work we do. Payout amounts will be assessed and determined by the team. **Gas cost:** Rough estimate, based on gas cost needed by other Core Units, taking into account the scope of phase I. **Audit:** We will work with one of the firms Maker has worked with before (Gauntlet, PwC, Certora, Quantstamp, Trail of Bits, Consensus, OpenZepplin and Peckshield). **Buffer:** 10% ### MKR vesting No MKR vesting is proposed for phase I. A MKR vesting based on deliverables will be proposed for phase II. ### What is not in this budget Travel: Our team is remote, yet we are not excluding the option to meet in person if we assess it is needed. ### Budget implementation SECU has a gnosis safe controlled by the Facilitator to pay 50% of the expenses. The other 50% will be paid by Starkware. For any budget request beyond December 2021, new sub proposals will be submitted #### Maker payments * Due to the predictability and regularity of costs, this budget implementation is a “Simple Budget Implementation” under [MIP40c4](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP40/mip40.md#mip40c4-budget-implementation-details). * Core Unit wallet address: 0x6D348f18c88D45243705D4fdEeB6538c6a9191F1 * Keyholder: @badgerofthe9d - 0x83626A05588bbA91DAeDE52346E5282d123e0280 * **The first disbursement requested is DAI 210,275, which includes**: * DAI 75,000 on October 5th - one-off setup including gas cost, audit fee, and bug bounty. To be included in the executive vote on October 1st * **Monthly transfers** * DAI 3*45,125 streaming - October 1th - December 31th - includes salaries and buffer #### Starkware payments * Starkware will follow the same schedule as the schedule described above (full schedule table below) * Starkware will pay the salaries in FIAT to the team via a service provider (Dill). The rest of the expenses will be paid on the same vault in USDC. ![table2](https://github.com/makerdao/mips/blob/master/MIP40/MIP40c3-Subproposals/supporting_materials/MIP40c3-SP28/table2.png) * **Unused funds**: Unused funds will be credited towards the next phase led by the SECU