# MIP39c3-SP12: Core Unit Offboarding (DECO) ## Preamble ``` MIP39c3-SP#: 12 Author(s): @rune Contributors: Tags: Status: Accepted Date Proposed: 2023-10-05 Date Ratified: N/A Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip39c3-spx-core-unit-offboarding-deco/22333 Extra: Voluntary offboarding as confirmed [by this forum post](http://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip39c3-sp12-core-unit-offboarding-deco/22333/3) ``` ## Sentence Summary ## Paragraph Summary ## Specification Offboarding of the two remaining legacy Core Units (see also MIP39c3-SP11) to formally integrate the budgets, resources, and responsibilities with the Atlas and the Launch Project. Atlas modifications to ensure continued smooth operations will be submitted alongside these proposals. ### Core Unit ID DECO