# MIP39c3-SP1: Core Unit Offboarding (SF-001) ## Preamble ``` MIP39c3-SP#: 1 Author(s): Deimos Contributors: Tags: core unit, cu-sf-001, mandate Status: Obsolete Date Applied: 2022-08-10 Date Ratified: Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip39c5-spxx-core-unit-offboarding-sf-001/17134 Ratification Poll URL: Extra: Marked as obsolete as the proposal has been abandoned. ``` ## Sentence Summary This subproposal is to offboard the Strategic Finance Core Unit (SF-001). ## Paragraph Summary [TBD] ## Specification ### Motivation SF-001 became increasingly more expensive without showing much value. A blurry mandate produces experiments that can be waste of time and risky projects. > "We’re building something here, Detective. We’re buildingit from scratch. All the pieces matter.” --- Det. Lester Freamon #### Too Expensive in Times of Crisis They advocate for bear market strategy and ask for cash like [Cutty](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XNC6xjmHOkI): - [Latest DAI increase](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip40c3-sp69-modify-core-unit-budget-strategic-finance-sf-001/15090) : ≈+32% - [MKR repricing](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip40c3-sp48-strategic-finance-unit-mkr-compensation-sf-001/12060/10) : ≈+270% SF-001 is supposed to be exemplary, yet their MKR policy is the worst of all the CUs: no cap, no limit, 2-month average only. #### Lack of Professionalism / Misuse of Funds The examples of their members behaving in [bad faith](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/unblocking-the-stalled-short-term-bonds-revenues-generating-initiatives/17073/20) (always with "data" that would make a conspiracy theorist blush) are everywhere in the forum. [Misuse of funds](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/returning-excess-budget-from-rwf-in-dai-or-in-mkr/12643): In tradfi, using company funds granted for CU operations to buy shares will land you in jail --- in Maker it's all good, it seems. #### Lack of Results Things SF-001 did lately: - MIP40 amendment [that changes dates to fit its own cycle](https://i.imgur.com/YbfvlcA.png). - KPI suggestion. - Lots of forum posting: Compared to other CUs, all the members hardly have time to do work. - Lots of politics: @madshills confronted them and asked if the CU position was the official position since all the team was doing politics all the time. - [Open source model](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/signal-request-n6m-target-spend-level/17122#open-source-modelhttpsdocsgooglecomspreadsheetsd1ygfmjogh9mvkskqcd7s9x6ibedgj31credituspsharingouid105675567186538493394rtpoftruesdtrue-7). This is *accountantspeak* for a simple public spreadsheet. - Lack of OKRs ### Conclusion @aes alone was doing the same (productive) work before this CU became expensive. Now [their updates](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/reporting-for-strategic-finance-core-unit-may-june-and-july-2022/17037) look like GovComms', with no concrete result. ### Core Unit ID SF-001