# MIP39c2-SP39: Modifying Sidestream Auction Services Core Unit Mandate - SAS-001 ## Preamble ``` MIP39c2-SP#: 39 Author(s): @danik Contributors: Tags: core-unit, cu-sas-001, mandate Status: Rejected Date Applied: 2023-02-08 Date Ratified: N/A Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip39c2-sp39-modifying-sidestream-auction-services-core-unit-mandate-sas-001/19738 Ratification Poll URL: https://vote.makerdao.com/polling/QmNSsw6o ``` ## Sentence Summary MIP39c2-SP39 modifies the mandate of SAS-001: Sidestream Auction Services Core Unit. ## Paragraph Summary Modify the mandate to reflect the expanded scope of the CU. Renaming CU to Sidestream Automation Services (SAS). ## Specification ### Core Unit ID SAS-01 ### Motivation With the Pregame many things have changed for SAS. We broadly expanded our CU work scope to maximize our effectiveness for the DAO. In the past months, Auctions and Liquidations became a smaller fraction of our daily work. We’ve described our expanded work scope in our [new budget MIP](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip40c3-sp95-modifying-sidestream-auction-services-core-unit-budget-sas-001/19737) and in our 2 recent monthly updates. SAS strives to become a trusted custom software development service provider for SubDAOs. This is in accordance with the Endgame plan, where individual SubDAOs will focus on providing value where they know best, without the need to specialize in software development. ### Core Unit Mandate With the mandate update, SAS will pursue the technical opportunities in the DAO that are most effective (not being limited to auctions and liquidations anymore). We strive to acquire as many project-based funded MakerDAO projects as possible. For that, we expanded our development capabilities and have now a Web3 Full-Stack offering: Smart contract, API, and decentralized frontend development services accompanied by Product Management and Infrastructure work. To reflect this change (but avoid changing the proven CU acronym), we would like to rename the CU into Sidestream Automation Services (SAS). ### Related Documents * [MIP40c3-SP95: Modifying Sidestream Auction Services Core Unit Budget (SAS-001)](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip40c3-sp95-modifying-sidestream-auction-services-core-unit-budget-sas-001/19737) * [SAS Monthly Update: January 2023](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/sas-monthly-update-january-2023/19714) * [SAS Monthly Update: December 2022](https://forum.makerdao.com/t/sas-monthly-update-december-2022/19336)