# MIP110: The Interface Scope Framework ## Preamble ``` MIP#: 110 Title: The Interface Scope Framework Author(s): @rune Contributors: Tags: endgame, scope-framework Type: General Status: Obsolete Date Proposed: 2023-02-06 Date Ratified: 2023-03-27 Dependencies: Replaces: Forum URL: https://forum.makerdao.com/t/mip110-the-interface-scope-framework/19696 Ratification Poll URL: https://vote.makerdao.com/polling/Qmbndmkr#vote-breakdown ``` ## MIP110c1: Preamble The Interface Scope Framework covers the Easy Governance Frontend, decentralized frontend security requirements, and other interface related topics. ## MIP110c2: Scope Framework Articles ### 1: The Accessibility Advisory Council The specifications of the Accessibility Advisory Council are contained in *Growth 1*, and covers, in addition to its other tasks, advisory work related to the improvement of the elements in the Interface Scope Framework. ### 2: The Implementation of the Interface Scope Framework through Software The Interface Facilitators must in collaboration with the CVC Subcommittees, periodically review possibilities of integrating DAO toolkit innovation into the processes and content of the Scope Framework.