# MIP11c3: Subproposal for Onboarding General Risk Models ## Preamble ``` MIP11c3-SP: # Author(s): Contributors: Tags: template Risk Team Name: General Risk Model Name: Status: Date Proposed: Date ratified: ``` ## Specification ### Motivation: - A detailed explanation advocating the need for the addition of the general risk model. ### General Model Details - The full details of the proposed general model. This includes the following requirements (as highlighted in **MIP11c1 - General Model Requirements)** 1. A framework for quantitative risk methodology, fundamental analysis or due diligence. 2. A scoring framework for collateral assets that enables a standardized approach for converting qualitative analysis into numerical outputs. This is achieved through a ratings-based methodology. 3. A quantitative model that describes the process for computing risk parameters such as the Stability Fee, Liquidation Ratio, DSR, etc. ### Relevant Information: - Links to any further discussions related to the onboarding of the proposed general model.