# MIP10c14-SP5: Process to Appoint Light Feed (Argent Labs Limited) ## Preamble ``` MIP10c14-SP#: 5 Author(s): Itamar Lesuisse Contributors: Tags: oracles Status: Obsolete Date Proposed: 2020-07-02 Date Ratified: Extra: This subproposal has been made obsolete by the passage of [MIP102c2-SP1](https://mips.makerdao.com/mips/details/MIP102c2SP1). ``` ## Sentence Summary MIP10c14-SP5 appoints Argent Labs Limited as a Light Feed for the Maker Oracles. ## Disclaimer MIP10 is meant to handle all of the Oracle related actions. Unfortunately MIP10 has inconsistencies and doesn't conform to the monthly governance cadence that the Maker Improvement Proposal framework is built around. This has generated a backlog of Oracle proposals. While MIP10 is refactored to conform to the regular MIP process, Oracle proposals such as this one will utilize the more liberal weekly governance cycle. While strictly speaking this makes them not subproposals, they are included in the subproposal archive as a point of provenance to serve as a paper trail. ## Specification ### Organization * Name: Argent Labs Limited * Website: https://www.argent.xyz * Github: https://github.com/argentlabs * Email: hello@argent.xyz * Incorporated: United Kingdom * Domiciled: United Kingdom * Number of employees: 23 * When was the organization founded? 4 December 2017 * Who are the major investors in your organization? Paradigm, Index Ventures, Creandum * How much funding has the organization raised either privately or through a token sale? $16m in equity funding * Please provide public references for the above where possible. References for funding: [Cityam](https://www.cityam.com/sequoia-crypto-fund-paradigm-makes-first-europe-investment-with-london-startup-argent/) [Companies House](https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/11093638/filing-history) [Crunchbase](https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/argent) ### Introduction **Motivation for running a Light Feed** We want to actively support important projects in the Ethereum ecosystem, making them more robust and reliable. Maker Oracles are significant infrastructure that we believe we have the resources and technical talent to contribute to. ### Community **What has your organization contributed to the crypto community?** Argent has built a simple and safe wallet for consumers. This has pioneered non-custodial crypto without seed phrases or gas (we use meta-transactions), and with security measures such as daily transfer limits and whitelisting contacts. In addition Argent provides easy access to integrated Dapps, including Maker DSR and, soon, Maker Vaults. In recent months we've seen significant adoption of DAI from users in Latin America. Argent's smart contract architecture is open source. Aside from our core wallet, we also developed Hopper, an open source privacy mixer, before handing it over to the community for further development. **Successful products, services, tools, libraries, thought-leadership** * You can find our wallet here: [https://www.argent.xyz/](https://www.argent.xyz/). * Our smart contracts are open source and available here: [https://github.com/argentlabs/argent-contracts/tree/master](https://github.com/argentlabs/argent-contracts/tree/master). * Our blog: [https://www.argent.xyz/blog/](https://www.argent.xyz/blog/). * Some recent talks: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv2mJCRJoTfPH1rYCWLMzs4j8Eu8kLHpb](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLv2mJCRJoTfPH1rYCWLMzs4j8Eu8kLHpb) **How will the Maker Community benefit from your inclusion as a Light Feed?** We comprise a strong technical team of experienced engineers and PhDs, who have been building secure crypto products for a mass audience for two years. The team would add geographic diversification too: it is based across Europe, from Northern Ireland to Bulgaria, Spain to Slovenia.